Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Winter Projects.

Living in Michigan provides a break in the wedding photography business usually from January until March or April. So I've planned to use my extra time to do some projects. I am working on a new blog! My plan is for the blog to also be a website that will hold my portfolio galleries... super cool! I will keep you updated for when it is live. Besides the new site, I am working on some personal projects that have been really great for creativity and expanding my knowledge of photography. Photography being a creative career, I don't ever think I will stop learning and growing. It is one of my favorite things about an artistic job.

To view my PROJECT 365 blog go here! I am taking a photo every day for a year!

I was playing around with some new studio lighting techniques and I used my favorite props... my kids! And reluctantly, my husband for a minute. Here is my family (minus my youngest Isadora, she was napping).

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