Wednesday, March 14, 2007

a little bit spring.

Yesterday was an amazing day for mid-March in Michigan. Over 70 degrees! I took advantage of the nice weather and headed out to the park. It was a lot later than intended by the time we got there, the sun just about to go down. But I managed to get some wonderful pictures! Exploring the area we also found some really nice spots including this little pond with geese. After it was dark, we started to head back to our car and we came upon about 9 or 10 deer. It was a pleasant spring night to be out taking are the results!

Monday, March 12, 2007

300 Reasons.

I could give a number of reasons why this weekend was a good one. First, I was able to get out of the house to watch a movie. Second, the movie I saw was amazing! 300 was really just one of those movies that I was happy to see on a big screen. At first I wasn't sure I would like it because violence and wars aren't really my choice features of films but it was done really well. Mainly, I loved the look....the style was fantastic. The characters were developed and the violence was offset by some humor that was actually funny.

This weekend I was also able to take pictures for this little cutie! He turns one next weekend.

At first he was afraid to touch the mysterious goo.

Then he got into it...that goo tastes good!


Tired after his cleanup...

All in all, a good weekend!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Baby can rock.

If you are a parent, there is no doubt that you have walked around with the alphabet song in your head all day or humming the melody of the song from random toys (mine in particular is 'I'm a magical unicorn with rainbow colors and glowing horn...'). This last year I was photographing a senior, Charlie, and he told me about Radiohead having a lullaby record that I should check out. Well, I did check it out and found that there is this company that has many rock band renditions of lullabies including Pink Floyd, Coldplay, Bjork, and Queens of the Stone Age. Soothing for both child and parent!

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Rubber Ducky...

I am addicted to bath pictures! They are naturally high key and um...clean. :D I am looking forward to a first birthday shoot this weekend followed by the bubble bath clean up. Should be fun!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New blog!

Hello! I decided that a blog would be nice to have to talk about photography, topics related to my business, and other things that I find interesting. Since I can't post every picture I take on my website, this could be a forum for pictures I love to be shown!

Here are a couple of recent pictures!

Gabe (11 months) playing drums!

Owen Robert (12 days old)