Thursday, July 31, 2008

Levi Cole

He is here! Levi Cole was born on Tuesday, July 29th. I'm very excited for his arrival, as he is the second son of my very good friends. Congratulations Joel and Holly! Pretty soon he will be buddies with my little Elijah. Here are couple from his first day of life:


Leah Wentzel said...

congrats to joel and his wife! the baby is beautiful.

i took a look at your recent wedding posts and i have to say these shot are even better than last seasons!!! i really couldn't imagine you getting any better than you were but the shots you got are so gorgeous!!! you are an artist :)

amanda said...

Thanks so much Leah! I'm always trying to learn how to improve :)

Melanie Van Wynsberg said...

AWE! Great pics!
It's so crazy.. feels like time has flown by! I can't believe Levi has been born. :-)